Then set up your own controls and press Clear Key on 'Done' to go back. Uncheck all controls by clicking Clear Key on all keypad numbers. Go to controls settings, enable 6 buttons then click on Player 1. Change the Scaling settings to 'sw horizontal' for the best view. To enable full screen, press the Green Key then press Key 2. Graphics and Sounds have been improved and it can now play in full screen mode which the v1.35 never has.

Road Rash and other racing games also works perfectly. Mortal Kombat 11 is a new installment of the classic series of fighting video games that offer users better graphics and greater control over their fighters. The new Picodrive v1.51 emulator works wonders! You can now play superb Sega Genesis games, even it can finish an opponent with dark background in any Mortal Kombat game or hacked game. 7/10 (847 votes) - Download Mortal Kombat 11 Free.

Ever wondered why the background doesn't turn dark when you finish an opponent in Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy or Mortal Kombat Revelations for Picodrive v1.35? Because this is an old emulator and say goodbye to it! *This image above is a screenshot of Mortal Kombat Revelations on my Picodrive v1.51 (Nokia 6210 Navigator).