I am being told that firefighters can “trade” or “swap” shifts with each other and there are no FLSA implications. I am especially concerned about some of the practices within the fire department. I am struggling with some of the unique components of the FLSA that only apply to public sector workers. Before taking this job I worked for many years as an HR manager in the private sector. If the swap was rejected, the original shift will still appear in your list of shifts.Today’s FLSA Question: I am the HR director for a small city. If you want to cancel a shift swap request, click the Swap - Pending link.

While on the dashboard, click the Swap button for the shift in the My Upcoming Shifts tab.Until then, you will remain assigned to your original shift. Depending upon your schedule's settings, an accepted swap may require Admin approval before it's confirmed on the schedule. That request is then sent to your coworker, who can then accept or reject the request. When swapping a shift, you'll select a shift assigned to one of your coworkers that you're eligible to work.

If you are unable to work one of your shifts (and your schedule allows it), you can propose swapping it with one of your coworkers.